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New posts in deserialization

JMS Serializer Deserialize with abstract parent class

How do I differentiate types of XML files before deserializing?

Why Enum singleton are serialization safe?

Java Seralization and Deseralization

C++/sqlite wrapper for dead-easy class serialization?

ReadBsonType can only be called when State is Type, not when State is Value

c# mongodb deserialization

How to deserialize into a enum variant based on a key name?

Jackson Deserializer has no default(no arg) constructor

Deserializing public key with python's cryptography module

Serialize List<T> to XML, and reverse the XML to List<T>

MVC WebApi HttpGet with complex object

Three.js - How to deserialize geometry.toJSON()? (where is geometry.fromJSON?)

XML string array deserialize as different type name

serializing a list of objects into a file in java

Creating a JMS Serializer handler in symfony2

Convert string to variable name

C# Deserialize XML to object

Deserialize multiple Java Objects

Why is this JSON returning as "Invalid JSON primitive"?

Deserializing JSON object into a C# list