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XML string array deserialize as different type name

I have the following C# class property:

private List<string>  _accountTypes;

[XmlArray(ElementName = "accountTypes")]
public List<string> AccountTypes
   get { return _accountTypes; }
   set { _accountTypes = value; }

which is initialized like this in the class constructor:

_accountTypes       = new List<string>( new string[] { "OHGEE", "OHMY", "GOLLY", "GOLLYGEE" });

When deserialized I get this:


I should like it if I could get this:


Without creating a subclass of type "accountType", how can this be done? Are there any XML attribute properties that can be used to get what I need?

like image 972
Moe Howard Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 01:02

Moe Howard

1 Answers

I think you are searching for the [XmlArrayItem] Attribute.

Try this:

[XmlArray(ElementName = "accountTypes")]
public List<string> AccountTypes
   get { return _accountTypes; }
   set { _accountTypes = value; }
like image 184
nhu Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10
