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New posts in deserialization

C# Newtonsoft deserialize JSON array

Deserialise IList<Interface> in JSON.NET

How do I deserialize the byte stream from a reqwest response into JSON?

serialization/deserialization mechanism

De-serializing objects from a file in Java

JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize() into a dictionary

Django caching a large list

How does MicroStream (de)serialization work?

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]). C#, cant figure the error out

Kafka AVRO - conversion from long to datetime

Error deserializing read-only property with Jackson

cxf jackson deserialization

How do I use Serde to deserialize structs with references from a reader?

JSON.NET Case Insensitive Deserialization not working

RestSharp: Unable to cast object of type 'RestSharp.JsonArray' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`

Deserializing xml to class, trouble with list<>

Extensible serialization in Haskell

Why does DateTime.Now.ToBinary() returns different value than when created by constructor

Convert any class to a keyvaluepair

c# deserialization

Deserialization of inteface types not supported using System.Text.JSON