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New posts in deserialization

Converting back to ndarray from a previous ndarray.tobytes()?

JSON Serialize / Deserialize generic type with google-gson

Add multiple items in JSON array to object in C# using Json.net

c# json.net deserialization

MongoDB/Java: Type safety in DBObjects

Deserializing PHP Data from Web service

c# .net deserialization

Deserialize JSON using restsharp

Jackson cannot deserialize enum as object even if I add customized deserializer

Jackson deserialize default values missing

Why is using UTF-8 for encoding during deserialization better than ASCII?

c# encoding deserialization

json deserialization to C# with dynamic keys [duplicate]

Deserialize int arrays from XML file

How to serialize/deserialize third party Java objects with Jackson

Using readClassDescriptor() and maybe resolveClass() to permit Serialization versioning

Error converting value from string to stream

How can I serialize and deserialize a type with a string member that contains "raw" JSON, without escaping the JSON in the process

no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value - Exception while deserializing json object from restTemplate

How to deserialize object that can be an array or a dictionary with Newtonsoft?

Apache Thrift with nodejs example

How to ignore a specific property when deserializing a JSON object?

Deserialize array Object using Newtonsoft Json.Net