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VS2010 build scripts to package DLLs into an MSI & register in the GAC

could not load type MvcApplication on Global.asax

Understanding Python Web Application Deployment

Is it acceptable practice to install an Authenticode code signing certificate directly on my build server to create a production signed build?

deploy on nexus artifacts with Snapshot policy but without SNAPSHOT string in version

Compress JS/CSS files on deploy using Git

git deployment githooks minify

Mac installer package - how to optionally install to multiple locations

How to deploy to production with entity framework code first

Gradle build and deploy specific buildtype

Optimizing deployment of rails app to multiple servers, using asset pipeline

Is it possible to send a notification when a Unicorn master finishes a restart?

ruby deployment nginx unicorn

Flat directory deployment for Qt 5 applications?

c++ qt deployment qt5

How much hosting RAM does a webRTC app require?

Deploying Yesod web app

Aws Elasticbean doesn't run my .jar application

How to use Docker in the development/deployment workflow?

deployment docker devops

How can one deploy build artifacts from GitLab CI to an Azure app service?

iOS Code Signing Fastlane Match Error

Database change management tools? [closed]

Is clickonce possible with regular c++ executable

c++ deployment code-signing