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New posts in dependency-management

How does CocoaPods work

Is there a way to trace origin of a property in maven pom?

ruby: how to require correctly (to avoid circular dependencies)

How do I get IntelliJ to resolve Gradle dependencies for custom source sets?

How can I have Netbeans automatically copy 3rd party jars from an included class-library to my project's dist/lib directory?

is it possible to use apache mahout without hadoop dependency?

Missing artifact log4j:log4j:bundle:1.2.16 when using Maven in Eclipse simplistic example

Exclude unused parts of dependencies from jar (Maven)

Using subpackages with go mod locally

Package is missing dependencies for libraries - OpenWRT

maven fails to resolve dependency

Is there a way to interactively install suggested composer packages?

Is it possible to optimize maven dependencies automatically?

How do Bower and NPM couple together?

Maven refuse to download aar packaged dependency from remote repository

Can I synchronize or mirror dependencies from packagist.org with my own Composer Satis installation?

How do I determine reasonable package dependency bounds when releasing a Haskell library?

Facebook SDK dependency conflict

How to exclude dependency with classifier (platform version) in Gradle?

Why does HK2 repackage everything?