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New posts in delphi-xe8

Return the root directory of Delphi executable

Asynchronous TADOQuery's OnFetchComplete not synchronized to main thread

List raw sensor data in Memo

Invalid ImageList Index error [Delphi]

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Can I prevent XE8 from adding System.ImageList?

The IDE hangs when "|" is present in the source code. Is it a bug in Delphi XE8?

delphi delphi-xe8

Length() vs Sizeof() on Unicode strings

delphi delphi-xe8

How can I get a TEdit's canvas in Delphi?

delphi delphi-xe8 tcanvas

Incompatible types: 'PAnsiChar' and 'PWideChar' [duplicate]

delphi delphi-xe8

Using own class as a type parameter constraint in class declaration

How can I capture keyboard status when my application doesn't have the focus?

delphi delphi-xe8

Checking Windows Version on W10

Using custom styles shows invalid characters when right-clicking a file in TOpenDialog

Delphi - How to correctly register a graphic class since XE8?

How to reset the download when the GetIt package manager fails?

Delphi Rest.JSON JsonToObject only works with f variables

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How can I configure the new Delphi XE8 Editor begin-end visual cues?

delphi delphi-xe8

How can I disable Castalia in XE8?

delphi delphi-xe8

Delphi XE8 bug in TList<T>, need workaround