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How can I disable Castalia in XE8?

Suppose that I wish to disable the newly integrated Castalia that is introduced in XE8. How do I go about doing that in a clean way? I cannot see anything on the Castalia menu that allows me to disable it by setting one single option.

Reasons why one might wish to disable Castalia include:

  • How can I configure the new Delphi XE8 Editor begin-end visual cues?
  • It interacts poorly with the Bookmarks plugin's animations.
  • Castalia has been known to render the IDE unstable.
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David Heffernan Avatar asked Apr 08 '15 16:04

David Heffernan

1 Answers

You have 2 options

1) modify the shortcut to the Delphi (RAD Studio) IDE, adding the parameter /NOCASTALIA

enter image description here

2) disable the castalia expert from the registry

Go the the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\16.0\Known IDE Packages\Delphi key and then place a underscore _ in front of the description of the Castalia package, in that way the package is not loaded.

enter image description here

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RRUZ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09