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New posts in delphi-xe6

Delphi element alignment - center

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How to set stack size in TThread?

delphi delphi-xe6

How to swap pointers?

delphi delphi-xe6

Do I need a 64 bit version of stdvcl40.dll?

delphi delphi-xe6

Is there a way to set {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} globally for the whole project?

Detect when the active element in a TWebBrowser document changes

Is it possible in Delphi to union enumerations into a larger enumeration?

delphi enums delphi-xe6

What's the intended way to pass a list?

delphi delphi-xe6

TSaveDialog fails with client visual styles disabled

How to check if the app is running on iOS device or simulator in Delphi XE6

delphi delphi-xe6

IDE Insight quit working

How to tell Delphi to not include non-published properties in DFM?

delphi delphi-xe6 dfm

Can't understand Delphi XE6 protected types

delphi delphi-xe6

VCL Style from DLL is affecting TMenuItem in Application

Custom button inherited from TButton does not show

How to disconnect an ADO Recordset in XE6?

delphi ado delphi-xe6

Dynamically assigning anonymous functions in pascal

How to change font size of Delphi XE6 IDE

delphi delphi-xe6