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New posts in default-value

Can a Variant property have default value?

drupal #default_value not applied in select option in drupal_render

Python nested dictionary lookup with default values

How can a variable typed as an enum take a value that is out of range of its elements?

c# .net enums default-value

How to omit default values of middle parameters when calling a function? [duplicate]

C++ default enum value usage

c++ enums default-value

Will casting away the parameters on a function pointer with default value parameters work?

Bash Array value in default value assignment

Assigning a default value to a generic

Default constructor defined with default arguments outside the class definition, why does this work? and what happens with templates involved?

MATLAB 1/Inf default?

SQL Server 2005 Create Table with Column Default value range

MATLAB default figure font sizes

Is it bad practice to initialize a variable to a dummy value?

PHP SET default argument in function as static variable

Use a UDF as the default value in a table column in SQL Server

Must I initialize function-local static consts?

In Objective-C, is it possible to set default value for a class variable?