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New posts in default-arguments

Python: explicitly use default arguments

python default-arguments

ES6 Named Object Parameter Destructuring

Default argument using curly braces initializer

How are method default arguments overridden in python?

Why I cannot use previous argument values to define argument default values?

c++ default-arguments

Why does clang emit these warnings?

c++ clang default-arguments

Will unused default arguments decrease performance c++

Interaction between default arguments and parameter pack (GCC and clang disagree)

Default arguments in Swift enums

Have I misunderstood the scope of this default argument shared_ptr?

Inheriting constructors w / wo their default arguments?

Using {fmt} & source_location to create variadic-template-based logging function

Why existing function arguments cannot be used to evaluate other default arguments?

Can I pass a default value to a reference for a std::string ?

C++ Default Argument Error

c++ default-arguments

How can I cleanly specify which arguments I am passing and which remain default?

Problem with bounded type parameterised case class and default args in Scala

template method and default template argument

Using rvalue references for default arguments