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New posts in decompiling

Why does JD-GUI prefix every line with a comment and line number?

java decompiling jad jd-gui

Is there a decompiler that will work on Visual Studio 6 C++

c++ visual-c++ decompiling

Reading a Java .class file

Why does java decompiler does not save annotations [closed]

java decompiling decompiler

How do I get started reverse engineering z80 machine code? [closed]

Obtain source using debugging symbols

What types of executables can be decompiled?


How can I decompile a batch of .NET DLLs into a Visual Studio project [closed]

Searching for a nice way to define rules for decompiler, need advice

How to override base classes\structs such as int, string?

c# reflection decompiling il

Can a hacker get access to the name of variables, methods, units, etc. inside a compiled exe Delphi VCL application?

Decompiling a .NET Framework v4.5 executable "not .NET assembly file" in dotPeek but executable runs fine

Is it possible to decompile the whole .NET application?

Get C#-style type reference from CLR-style type full name

Cannot resolve method 'access$000()'

java decompiling

ReSharper decompiler - can I use it for standalone assemblies?

How to decompile files from PyInstaller PYZ file

Why does decompiled code contain a foreach-loop?

c# decompiling