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Extension to CFG, what is it?

Prolog - Parsing

parsing prolog dcg

How to avoid using assert and retractall in Prolog to implement global (or state) variables

Prolog DCG: find last element

prolog dcg

How can I create this DCG in Prolog?

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how to split a sentence in swi-prolog

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Regular Expression Matching Prolog

regex prolog dcg failure-slice

Is there a way or an algorithm to convert DCG into normal definite clauses in Prolog?

Prolog - Generate alternating symbols on backtrack: [a] ; [a,b]; [a,b,a]; [a,b,a,b]

list prolog dcg

Should text-processing DCGs be written to handle codes or chars? Or both?

prolog char dcg

Parsing inflected non-word-order languages (e.g. Latin)

prolog dcg

Parsing with DCGs in Scheme (without Prolog)?

parsing scheme prolog dcg

Prolog DCG set_prolog_flag double_quotes source code directive location matters; documentation?

Prolog DCG: Writing programming language lexer

prolog lexical-analysis dcg

Solving Tower of Hanoi declaratively (Prolog)

Difficulties implementing DSL in Prolog from EBNF using DCG

parsing prolog dsl dcg ebnf

Check if string is substring in Prolog

Prolog-based interpreter

RegEx Parser written in Prolog

regex prolog dcg

Prolog DCGs Multiple Features?

parsing prolog dcg