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New posts in dbcontext

DbContext won't keep connection open for re-use

Why does Entity Framework automatically use the ObjectContext instead of the DbContext when mapping database tables using ADO.NET Entity datamodel

"..." cannot implement an interface member because it is not public

Entity Framework Code First: which DataType attribute for DateTime2?

Avoid Entity Framework Error with Multiple Tasks Running Concurrently on Same DbContext

Set a value comparer in ASP.NET Core 3.1

Why is DbContext.SaveChanges 10x slower in debug mode

"No executable found matching command dotnet-ef" error with EF Core database-first

How do you configure the DbContext when creating Migrations in Entity Framework Core?

Using Entity Framework Core 3.1 with UseInMemoryDatabase option in ServiceProvider ( Scoped lifetime )

'ObjectContext' vs 'DbContext' in Entity Framework

What is the difference between IDbSet.Add and DbEntityEntry.State = EntityState.Added?

EF 4.1 OnModelCreating not called

SqlException: Syntax Error Near 'GO'

sql-server-2008 dbcontext

Getting "The entity type <model> is not part of the model for the current context."

Entity Framework 6 - use my getHashCode()

Entity Framework code first: How to ignore classes

Share DbContext across Repositories in MVC Web App

Entity Framework relationships between different DbContext and different schemas

Is DbSet<>.Local something to use with special care?