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New posts in intellitrace

intellitrace standalone recorder

Automatically deleteting old IntelliTrace recordings

Restore IntelliTrace Window in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate


visual studio intellitrace with w3wp not working

Is it possible to extend Intellitrace events?

MS VS 2010 IntelliTrace for non-Ultimate version? Possible?

How to avoid truncated EF query in the IntelliTrace events?

How can I prevent a VerificationException when running a test with attached debugger?

Are there any tools similar to intellitrace

Intellitrace not available for VS 2012 Professional edition?

WPF Application stalls/freezes after first interaction, like button click

Debugger and Intellitrace show truncated text in text viewer for long SqlCommand.CommandText

IntelliTrace and ADO.NET parameter values

Disable IntelliTrace during execution of application

Why is DbContext.SaveChanges 10x slower in debug mode

Open source alternative for "Intellitrace" [closed]

Visual Studio 2012 crashes every time I try to debug with error CLR20r3

Why can't I inspect local variables with IntelliTrace for VS 2010?

How to log all thrown exceptions?

Application identity not set Exception