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Restore IntelliTrace Window in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate



I closed by mistake IntellyTrace Window. Before i did it I saw IntellyTrace Window and stack trace inside by default while I debug. But recently I close this windows someway and stil can't restore it.

I read this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd572114.aspx but nothing works. I just want to see again IntelliTrace Windows and nowhere I can find the working solution.

Does anyone faced with it? Or How to restore all intelliTrace properies? Seems like there is the same problem, maybe there it describes better: https://twitter.com/KevinDockx/statuses/253502498806059009


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Bogdan Dudnik Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 23:01

Bogdan Dudnik

2 Answers


This Microsoft blog post explains how some project debugging options will hide these menu items.

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Steve Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10


Go to Debug -> Intellitrace and select either Intellitrace Calls or Intellitrace Events. You also have to make sure you're on a breakpoint or else those options won't be shown.

Hope this helps.

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Justin Chmura Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

Justin Chmura