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New posts in database-first

Separating entity framework poco and objectcontext

Why does Database First EF skip mapping some tables?

Mapping Fragments Entity Framework Error

Adding foreign key in visual studio 2012

Database first Entity Framework mapping unique foreign keys as one to many

How to get database information with entityframework database first?

MVC 3, Entity Framework 4.x, Database First, Desperation

Get parent department node in Entity Framework

It's seemingly impossible to entirely replace Entity Framework data model from database

The entity type [Name] is not part of the model for the current context

MVC3 and EF Data first: what are the best practices?

How to add data annotation for entities automatically created by Data-First?

Entity Framework - DB-First - Composite Foreign Keys

Entity Framework cant use the DbContext, model being created

How to prevent from DataAnnotations Attributes being deleted in DataBase First Model

Change entities and properties names in Database First

MVC DB first Fix display Name