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New posts in data.table

Installing new version of data.table (specifically 1.8.11 from Rforge)

windows r data.table

Unlist nested list columns in data.table

r data.table

Why does data.table lose class definition in .SD after group by?

r class data.table

convert data.frame to data.table column missing

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How to use dcast.data.table with formula as string

r data.table reshape

data.table::fread's stringsAsFactors=TRUE argument doesn't convert character columns to factor type - what's the workaround?

How to create data table from vector with named values and keep the names?

r data.table

Melt using patterns when variable names contain string information - avoid coercion to numeric

r data.table melt

Are Pandas' dataframes (Python) closer to R's dataframes or datatables? [closed]

Sort a data.table programmatically using character vector of multiple column names

r sorting data.table

correct braces placement in := within data.table

r data.table

unable to perform calculations using r data.table package

r data.table

why "character is often preferred to factor" in data.table for key?

r data.table

Count matching elements by row between two data tables in R

R data.table Multiple Conditions Join

r join data.table

R: Detect a "main" Path and remove or filter the GPS trace maybe using a kernel?

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How can I compute statistics by decile groups in data.table

r data.table quantile

dplyr group by, carry forward value from previous group to next

r dplyr data.table

How to sort a data.table using a target vector

r data.table

How to reference column names that start with a number, in data.table

r data.table