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Unlist nested list columns in data.table




Unlist nested list column in data.table. Assuming all the list elements are the same type. The list elements are named, the name has to be handled also.
It is somehow opposite operation to data.table aggregation to list column.
I think it is worth to have it in SO data.table knowledge base.
My current workaround approach below, I'm looking for a little bit more canonical answer.

dt <- data.table(
    a = letters[1:3], 
    l = list(list(c1=6L, c2=4L), list(x=2L, y=4L, z=3L), list())
#    a      l
# 1: a <list>
# 2: b <list>
# 3: c <list>
dt[,.(a = rep(a,length(l)),
      nm = names(unlist(l)),
      ul = unlist(l)),
   .(id = seq_along(a))
   ][, id := NULL
#    a nm ul
# 1: a c1  6
# 2: a c2  4
# 3: b  x  2
# 4: b  y  4
# 5: b  z  3
# 6: c NA NA
like image 595
jangorecki Avatar asked Jul 15 '15 12:07


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Source: R/nest.R. nest.Rd. Nesting creates a list-column of data frames; unnesting flattens it back out into regular columns. Nesting is implicitly a summarising operation: you get one row for each group defined by the non-nested columns.

1 Answers

Not sure it is more "canonical" but here is a way to modify l so you can use by=a, considering you know the type of your data in list (with some improvements, thanks to @DavidArenburg):

dt[lengths(l) == 0, l := NA_integer_][, .(nm = names(unlist(l)), ul = unlist(l)), by = a]

#   a nm ul
#1: a c1  6
#2: a c2  4
#3: b  x  2
#4: b  y  4
#5: b  z  3
#6: c NA NA
like image 63
Cath Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10
