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New posts in data.table

data.table efficient alternative to grouped assignment as DT[ ,x:=f(y),by=z]?

r data.table

Accessing columns in data.table using a character vector of column names

r data.table

ddply to multiple columns equivalent in data.table

r data.table plyr

append multiple large data.table's; custom data coercion using colClasses and fread; named pipes

r append data.table fread

Cartesian product with filter data.table

r data.table

Why doesn't R data.table support well for non ASCII keys on Windows

r encoding data.table

How to check whether a vector is LIFO/FIFO decreasing

r stack data.table queue

Is there a faster way than fread() to read big data?

r data.table bigdata fread

Aggregate data frame while keeping original order, in a simple manner

r aggregate data.table

Seeking an better way to add columns in data.table from lookup table

r data.table

Can we do binary search in data.table with OR select queries

r data.table

data.table bug, causing a segfault in R

r data.table

Efficiently computing a linear combination of data.table columns

fread segfault with 30GB space separated file with some rows starting with space

r data.table

Why does rbindlist not respect column names?

r data.table rbind

Creating a sequence in a data.table depending on a column

r data.table

data.table grouping separately on numeric and text variables

r join data.table lapply

dplyr::slice in data.table [duplicate]

r dplyr data.table slice

When exactly does data.table preserve column names?

r data.table

merge.data.table with all=True introduces NA row. Is this correct?

r data.table outer-join