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New posts in data.table

R - Speeding up approximate date match. idata.frame?

r data.table plyr subset

determining row indices of data.table group members

r data.table

Rolling average by group R data.table

r data.table

Fast way to select rows within table in R?

sql r row data.table sqldf

Fastest way to filter a data.frame list column contents in R / Rcpp

R data.table replace "NULL" with `NA` when columns are factors

r data.table

Looping grepl() through data.table (R)

How do I reference the entire row when creating a new column in a data.table?

r data.table

add missing rows to a data table

r data.table

Efficiently average the second column by intervals defined by the first column

python perl r awk data.table

R: data.table cross-join not working

r join data.table

data.table, how to reset cumsum (or add a group to group by)

r data.table

Fast way to replace all blanks with NA in R data.table

r data.table na

Group several columns then aggregate a set of columns in Pandas (It crashes badly compared to R's data.table)

Rounding milliseconds of POSIXct in data.table v1.9.2 (ok in 1.8.10)

r duplicates data.table

Is it possible to read a data.table from PostgreSQL?

r data.table rpostgresql

using mean with .SD and .SDcols in data.table

r data.table mean