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New posts in data.table

How can I evaluate (or create) an on the fly column in data.table in r

r data.table

Number of Unique Obs by Variable in a Data Table

Why is intersect(...) faster than data table join?

r data.table

Retain and lag function in R as SAS

r data.table

data.table - group by all except one column

r data.table

data.table := assignments when variable has same name as a column

r data.table

Rolling Text Concatenation with Data.Table in R

r data.table

data.table - subsetting based on variable whose name is a column, too

r data.table

How to find the last or next entry using R package data.table and rolling joins

r data.table

Adding values in two data.tables

r data.table

from data table, randomly select one row per group

Count cumulative unique factors separated by semicolon Grouped by Name

r data.table dplyr zoo

String splitting data.table column produces NAs

subsetting a data.table based on a named list

r list data.table subset

Build a square adjacency matrix from data.frame or data.table

Group a data.table using a column which is list

r data.table

Keyed lookup on data.table without 'with'

r indexing data.table

How do I evaluate columns inside data.table with different conditions

r data.table

Cumulative total by group

r data.table

Dealing with missing information while converting a list into data frame or data table

r data.table