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New posts in data-kinds

Retrieving information from DataKinds constrained existential types

Singletons in Heterogenous Lists

Constructor that lifts (via DataKinds) to * -> A

haskell data-kinds

Haskell version of yin-yang puzzle : Kind incompatibility error

haskell data-kinds

Is there a reason we can't populate types with DataKinds?

haskell data-kinds

Implementing a zipper for length-indexed lists

haskell data-kinds

Understanding the casts involved in patterns matching a datatype that is indexed over a user defined kind

Why does :k [False] result in an error in GHCI?

haskell data-kinds

Motivation for limitation on data kind promotion

haskell ghc data-kinds

How do you formulate n-ary product and sum types in this typed lambda calculus universe?

Haskell pattern matching on GADTs with Data Kinds

Kind Demotion (as opposed to Kind Promotion)

Can I provide the type-checker with proofs about inductive naturals in GHC 7.6?

haskell ghc data-kinds

What are all the mechanisms used to enable Servant's type-based API?

haskell types data-kinds

What is the DataKinds extension of Haskell?