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What is the DataKinds extension of Haskell?

I am trying to find an explanation of the DataKinds extension that will make sense to me having come from only having read Learn You a Haskell. Is there a standard source that will make sense to me with what little I've learned?

Edit: For example the documentation says

With -XDataKinds, GHC automatically promotes every suitable datatype to be a kind, and its (value) constructors to be type constructors. The following types

and gives the example

data Nat = Ze | Su Nat 

give rise to the following kinds and type constructors:

Nat :: BOX Ze :: Nat Su :: Nat -> Nat 

I am not getting the point. Although I don't understand what BOX means, the statements Ze :: Nat and Su :: Nat -> Nat seem to state what is already normally the case that Ze and Su are normal data constructors exactly as you would expect to see with ghci

Prelude> :t Su Su :: Nat -> Nat 
like image 370
user782220 Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 03:12


1 Answers

Well let's start with the basics


Kinds are the types of types*, for example

Int :: * Bool :: * Maybe :: * -> * 

Notice that -> is overloaded to mean "function" at the kind level too. So * is the kind of a normal Haskell type.

We can ask GHCi to print the kind of something with :k.

Data Kinds

Now this is not very useful, since we have no way to make our own kinds! With DataKinds, when we write

 data Nat = S Nat | Z 

GHC will promote this to create the corresponding kind Nat and

 Prelude> :k S  S :: Nat -> Nat  Prelude> :k Z  Z :: Nat 

So DataKinds makes the kind system extensible.


Let's do the prototypical kinds example using GADTs

 data Vec :: Nat -> * where     Nil  :: Vec Z     Cons :: Int -> Vec n -> Vec (S n) 

Now we see that our Vec type is indexed by length.

That's the basic, 10k foot overview.

* This actually continues, Values : Types : Kinds : Sorts ... Some languages (Coq, Agda ..) support this infinite stack of universes, but Haskell lumps everything into one sort.

like image 99
Daniel Gratzer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Daniel Gratzer