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New posts in currying

Passing list of variables individually to clojure function

Scala Currying and function literals

Confirming Greenspun's 10th Law in C#

c# expression currying

Ruby Reverse Currying: Is this possible?

Currying out of order in Ruby

Why are variable values in closures getting lost after repeatedly calling lapply?

r scope closures currying lapply

Is there a difference between partial application and returning a function?

How to combine Curry() with Vectorize()?

currying of 'flexible types' in F#

types f# currying

Syntax for partial application of curried functions with reverse-associative infix notation

Can you curry a function with varargs in scala?

Can I curry this better?

How to disambiguate case class creation with multiple parameter lists?

scala currying

Java 8 partial function application /currying

How to encapsulate mocha `expect()` code?

F#: curried overload/tupled overload issue

F# curried function

Haskell: `Map (a,b) c` versus `Map a (Map b c)`?

haskell map currying

Is it possible to "curry" higher-kinded types in Scala?

Does Haskell have variadic functions/tuples?