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New posts in css-transforms

CSS border on transformed node

html css border css-transforms

Why does my close button wobble in some browsers?

css css-transforms

Why does CSS rotation in media query not rotate back

Set height on div with CSS3 transform (rotate)

why is cordova slow even for css transforms?

Getting the touched position in local coordinates of a transformed element

Pure CSS parallax without fixed background height?

css parallax css-transforms

Safari animation (keyframes and transform) set wrong positions

:hover rotation CSS keep position on uncover

css css-transforms

Using units on CSS perspective

css page curl effect drop shadow with rotate

Bootstrap flip card with css3 transform

CSS Transform not working in IE 8

Animate transform only one property (scale) override other (translate)

Rotating an object on its side using CSS

css css-transforms

How to recreate perspective-origin effect by transforming child elements?

Keep box-shadow direction consistent while rotating

GIve css3 rotate to a DIV in Chrome then the background-attachment:fixed creating bug

CSS transform on SVG Elements IE9+

Horizontal CSS only parallax effect with layers greater than 100vw