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New posts in csproj

How to access macro variables within csproj file?

visual-studio-2010 csproj

One or more projects could not be loaded, but VS but doesn't say which

Do csproj files in Git need xml tags SccProjectName, SccLocalPath, SccAuxPath, SccProvider with SAK values

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Why adding a model Entity Framework to csproj fail?

entity-framework-6 csproj

MSBuild not building csproj

Transforming .csproj using nuget package

nuget nuget-package csproj

How do I include a text file alongside my class library in my NuGet package which Visual Studio 2017 is creating for me?

Modify programatically csproj files with Microsoft.Build.Evaluation (instead of Engine)

Programmatically create a csproj on the fly without Visual Studio installed

c# csproj

How to ensure that the OpenXml assembly doesn't cause a conflict with SpreadsheetLight?

Adding an exe project as a dependency of a test project

c# .net-core msbuild csproj

app.config file in the new .csproj format

Showing file beneath other in Visual Studio with .NET Core project

Why do my projects build when there are no changes?

NO .csproj file in my asp.net core project

The tools version "15.0" is unrecognized - Incompatible/Unloaded project in Visual Studio 2019 (v16.0.0 Preview 5.0)

How to target multiple .NET frameworks with one project and put all versions into a single NuGet package? [duplicate]