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One or more projects could not be loaded, but VS but doesn't say which

I have a fairly large solution with multiple subprojects (mostly C# with 1 or 2 C++ projects), each in its own folder. I renamed the folders and the project names, then proceeded to editing the solution file using the same process described here: Proper way to rename solution (and directories) in Visual Studio

After doing this, I wanted to test if everything went right so I opened the solution file. VS2008 complains:

One or more projects in the solution could not be loaded for the following reason(s):

The project file or web has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer.

These projects will be labeled as unavailable in Solution Explorer. Expand the project node to show the reason the project could not be loaded.

So I tried doing exactly as the bolded text says. However, there aren't any unavailable projects in Solution Explorer. All the subprojects are there, and I don't see any warning or errors or missing references or anything. The solution also compiles perfectly fine and I can run the application just fine as well.

The issue is that error keeps popping up when I open the solution, and I'm trying to stop it from doing so, because it's eventually going to enter into source control.

Has anyone encountered this before? Is there something I might've missed?

like image 957
9a3eedi Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 09:08


1 Answers

There is one easiest work around, open the solution file in notepad and check the address of the sub-projects(exp "dtproj" extensions),if you have just changed the name of folder or solution file then see if its properly depicting it in solution file. there are few solution to this problem which are more simple and less problematic but still i find it direct and easy if one can manage.

like image 62
Dhaval Panchal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Dhaval Panchal