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New posts in cross-platform

Cross platform GUI Programming with D

Open source portable/cross-platform video camera capture library [closed]

c++ c cross-platform

Developing apps for both iPhone and Android

SCTP: any cross-platform library?

c++ cross-platform sctp

Calling C# from native C++, without /clr or COM?

c# .net c++ mono cross-platform

Is there a way to have platform-specific dependencies in environment.yml?

python cross-platform conda

Error 43 while knitting a r markdown to pdf on rStudio on Windows

Are there any naming conventions for command line arguments?

Displaying translucent / irregular-shaped windows with Qt

How to perform Cross-Platform Asynchronous File I/O in C++

Communication between C++ and Python

measure CPU usage of the JVM : java code

CMakeLists.txt files for multiple libraries and executables

Is Mono robust enough for serious enterprise development?

.net mono cross-platform

Are there any platforms for which the file separator isn't "/"?

r cross-platform

{$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} does not turn off warnings

Fast Cross-Platform C/C++ Hashing Library [closed]

c++ c cross-platform hash

Developing Mobile Apps for Multiple Platforms (without a cross-platform framework!) [closed]

mobile cross-platform

Xamarin Forms Sharedpreferences cross

Cross platform way to list disk drives on Linux, Windows and Mac using Python?