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How to check if an objects is inside of a NSSet of objects by using predicateWithFormat in CoreData?

Core Data: model is nil while modelURL is valid

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MagicalRecord how to add objects in relationships

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Does CoreData always respect returnObjectsasFaults?

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Core Data Error With Persistent Store

POSTing with RestKit resulting in nil object being posted

NSManagedObject; keep or load into a custom NSObject?

What is the difference between managed object context save and refreshObject:mergeChanges:

This NSPersistentStoreCoordinator has no persistent stores. It cannot perform a save operation

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Cocoa Bindings error

Saving custom class into Coredata

Evaluate CoreData entity type in predicate

Magical Record create/fetch entity in separate thread

How does Core Data fit into MVC model objects?

Core Data Cocoa error 1570. Can't save more than one entity object

How to make NSManagedObject not fault?

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Core Data: Automatically Trim String Properties

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cannot add parentContext to NSManagedObjectContext, context already has a coordinator

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Using NSSortDescriptor to keep 'nil' values at the bottom of a list

Searching CoreData using regex and special characters

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