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New posts in core-data

Handling Core Data Model Changes

Does Core Data cache transient attributes?

iphone core-data

Using an NSFetchedResultsController without a UITableViewController

Core Data: Fetch via specific property (join relationship)

insertNewObjectForEntityForName returns wrong type

Sum a CoreData attribute


coredata problem nsurl may not respond to stringByAppendingPathComponent

iphone core-data nsurl

Is this a bug I should submit to Apple, or is this expected behavior?

Core Data NSFetchRequest for Specific Relationship?

CoreData migration & data mapping: creating a new entity from existing attribute

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CoreData Arrays

Searching Core Data vs. Plist

How to parse the contents of a foreign file created with NSKeyedArchiver

NSSortDescriptor with to-many relationship


Core Data Save Changes Undo

Bad performance of Core Data "save" operation on the managedObjectContext

Are there any good examples of using UIManagedDocument available?

ios core-data

Core Data NSManagedObject - tracking if attribute was changed

Why controllerDidChangeContent is not being called?

iphone core-data

How to resolve one to many relationship in core data in iOS 4.0

ios core-data ios4 one-to-many