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New posts in core-bluetooth

iOS: Automatically reestablishing Bluetooth BLE connection when in range

IOS Bluetooth Low Energy Connection Interval

Locked iOS device scanning for BTLE devices

iOS Corebluetooth services never discovered, but are visible in advertisingData of delegate method

Calculating Tx Power Level in CoreBluetooth iOS

Bluetooth data update notifications not getting fired

CoreBluetooth -- Discovery of BLE peripheral while device locked

BLE MTU higher but speed is the same

ios core-bluetooth

Raspberry-pi as connectable beacon

Android BLE: cannot write a Characteristic (no PROPERTY_WRITE)

Is it possible to publish messages using Google Nearby Messages in the background in iOS?

iOS CoreBluetooth: active connection to the same target peripheral in app and widget simultaneously?

iBeacons Broken in iOS 10.0.2?

How to read value of characteristics?

Bluetooth 5.1 Angle of Arrival backward compatibility

how to restart iPHone/iPad Bluetooth LE after communication hangs

iphone ios core-bluetooth

Is it possible to programmatically access the error codes logged by CoreBluetooth?

iphone ios core-bluetooth

BLE : How can i create my own base UUID and alias

iOS 7 Bluetooth - app that handles events in background even after phone restart

Check Bluetooth status - Swift 4

ios swift core-bluetooth