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New posts in copy-elision

Copy Construction in Initializer Lists

Why does for_each return function by move

Can copy elision occur in catch statements?

Is this code well-defined regardless of copy elision?

Why is the move constructor involved here

RVO force compilation error on failure

Passing by Value and copy elision optimization

vector.push_back rvalue and copy-elision

c++ vector copy-elision

Does the standard state that copies must be equivalent?

Copy constructor not called when initializing an object with return value of a function

Why does copy initializaton require destructor in C++17 with guaranteed move/copy elision?

Copy constructor is not called when return by value

How does guaranteed copy elision work in list-initialization in C++1z?

What is clang's 'range-loop-analysis' diagnostic about?

Why does std::atomic compile from C++17 even with a deleted copy constructor?

How can a unique_ptr be returned by value without std::move? [duplicate]

C++ return value optimization

Temporary materialization in C++17 [duplicate]

c++ c++17 copy-elision

Unintuitive RVO of function returning non-copyable const value?

Overload-Resolution: Is a direct conversion operator preferred (as a consequence of copy-elision)?