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New posts in constants

Is it possible to defer initialization of a const variable in C++, like Java's "blank final" feature?

java c++ c++11 constants final

How do I Declare a Method Pointer That's Constant

Call non-const function on a const object

Structs and unions: which is better from a performance point of view? Passing the parameter by value or pointer?

Integer cast overload being used instead of bool cast overload

How do I declare MAX_DOUBLE in VB6?

ide vb6 constants max minimum

Confused on const correctness with static array of pointers to const objects

Using & (addressof) with const variables in C

c constants

const member function clarification needed

const decltype(*std::begin(container))& val doesn't make val const?

Why am I allowed to call a non-const member function from a const_iterator if the container element is a pointer?

c++ iterator constants

Is there a way to specify in C++ that a pointer points to data that is always valid?

c++ constants

Is const_casting a mutable field safe?

c++ constants c++03

C++, fstream objects passed to functions as reference, const?

import static vs. static final

C++ - the linker can't find my function, which happens to be an overloaded operator [duplicate]

const string field vs "typed" string

.NET const affecting compiled assembly size

.net compilation constants

Perl Constant seems not to work

perl constants

VBA: const parameter for a Sub - avoiding modification of the value of an argument passed by value

vba excel arguments constants