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Perl Constant seems not to work




I have this:

use constant JAR_FILE => qr/\.jar$/;

my @dir_list = ...;
my @jar_list;
find ( sub {
    return unless -f;
    return unless JAR_FILE;   #THIS IS THE TROUBLED LINE
    push @jar_list, $File::Find::name;
    }, @dir_list;

say join ": ", @jar_list;

This prints out all of the files in @dir_list -- jar files and non jar files;

However, this:

use constant JAR_FILE => qr/\.jar$/;

my @dir_list = ...;
my @jar_list;
find ( sub {
    return unless -f;
    return unless $_ =~ JAR_FILE;  #Now explicitly do the comparison 
    push @jar_list, $File::Find::name;
    }, @dir_list;

say join ": ", @jar_list;

prints out only jar files.

And this also only prints out jar files:

# use constant JAR_FILE => qr/\.jar$/;

my @dir_list = ...;
my @jar_list;
find ( sub {
    return unless -f;
    return unless /\.jar$/;  #Use regex and not constant regex. 
    push @jar_list, $File::Find::name;
    }, @dir_list;

say join ": ", @jar_list;

Why does the first one return unless JAR_FILE; not work while return unless $_ =~ JARFILE; and return unless /\.jar$/; both work?

like image 309
David W. Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 16:02

David W.

1 Answers

It has nothing to do with constants.

>perl -wE"$_ = '.txt'; say qr/\.jar$/ ?1:0;"

>perl -wE"$_ = '.txt'; say /\.jar$/ ?1:0;"

>perl -wE"$_ = '.txt'; say $_ =~ qr/\.jar$/ ?1:0;"

qr// compiles a regex pattern and returns it, while the match operator (m// aka //) preforms a regex match.

Since qr// always returns something true (a compiled regular expression), return unless qr/\.jar$/; will never return.

=~ qr/\.jar$/ works because =~ implies a match operator if the RHS operand isn't a match operator (m//), a substitution operator (s///) or a translate operator (tr///).

my $re = qr/\.jar$/;
$_ =~ $re

is short for

my $re = qr/\.jar$/;
$_ =~ /$re/

which is long for

my $re = qr/\.jar$/;

If you omit both the // and the =~, you don't have a match operator anymore.

like image 123
ikegami Avatar answered Feb 19 '23 05:02
