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Javamail IMAP connection with Gmail drops after a random duration

NSUrlConnection in NSThread - No delegate is executed!

handoop connect error with put/copyFromLocal

Closing(), but not disposing() SQL Connection - effects

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[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed vb6

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Sharing connection to database between DBAL and session handler Symfony2

Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work

Check Mysql DB for username and password C#

Java - Redis: Pool of 300+ connections possible?

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Java LDAP graceful disconnect

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Slow internet connection issue in android

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sharing a JDBC Connection object between other objects

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Delphi XE4 iOS can't connect to PAServer [closed]

How to connect Sybase database using Java code in NetBeans?

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How can I read selected rows from a large file using the R "readLines" command and write them to a data frame?

r import connection bigdata

Connection timed out for AWS ubuntu cloud instance after ufw disable and enable

Does django connection cursor auto commit after each .execute() query?

How to connect leap-motion , directly to android

C# get portable devices connected to PC

c# connection usb wpd

How to check the Internet connection with .NET, C#, and WPF

c# .net wpf connection