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New posts in conditional-operator

Trying to avoid if-else statement inside for-loop but the code seems to have some errors

Conditional operator can't resolve overloaded member function pointers

Implicit conversion in C++

PHP short if statement with continue key word and ommit the else part

php conditional-operator

Does python have a shorthand to check if an object has an attribute? [duplicate]

Conditional operator and Comparison Delegate

conditional operator can return reference?

c++ conditional-operator

What is the correct syntax for Walrus operator with ternary operator?

Valid use of the conditional operator?

c conditional-operator

Are ternary operators in ternary operatory possible

Conditional operator in if-statement?

PHP comparison '==' problem

php conditional-operator

Overloading operator< for priority queue

Java set values after if else loop in one line

Can one make an assignment on conditional statement in php?

java conditional operator and different types

java conditional-operator

Python Syntax for Chained Conditionals

Syntax error in ternary if-else statement

if/else vs ternary operator

Obscure conditional Java Syntax