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New posts in conditional-operator

What is the "?" and ":" sequence actually called? [duplicate]

Julia ternary operator without `else`

Confused by shorthand syntax: x > 0 ? 1 : -1;

JavaScript ternary if statement

return ulong in inline-if [duplicate]

How does the ternary C operator interpret an empty 1st branch? Why? [duplicate]

c gcc conditional-operator

Ternary Operator use to increase variable

expected primary-expression before 'return'

Why the following Conditional Operator works strangely in StringBuilder containing Nullable type? in C#?

Limitations of the conditional operator ?:

vectorized if in matlab

Using conditional operator in h:inputText value and h:commandButton actionListener

jsf el conditional-operator

Convert ternary conditional operators into if statements?

Typescript 2 - throw'ing in ternary/conditional operator expression

How can i write multiple statement using conditional operator

c# conditional-operator

What else does the condition operator in C++ do for me?

Pyramid of numbers in Java

Ternary operator inside printf

ruby idiom: predicates and the conditional operator