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Does python have a shorthand to check if an object has an attribute? [duplicate]

Background is I'm getting data from a JSON API where lots of fields are optional and I want most of the fields in a database. When a specific field isn't available I want an empty string ("") written into the database.

Currently I've been doing:

if jsonobject.what_i_look_for:
  dbstring = jsonobject.what_i_look_for
  dbstring = ""

And then inserted dbstring into the database. However I'm getting a lot more of these fields now and I want a much cleaner code rather than a function which consists about 80% of if-statements.

I've found if-shorthands and this shorthand to check if a variable is empty, but both don't seem to work directly as a string. I've tested this using print() in an interactive python 3.5.2 shell:

>>> print(testvar or "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'testvar' is not defined

>>> print(testvar if testvar else "")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'testvar' is not defined

This: echo (isset($testvar) ? $testvar : ""); is the PHP equivalent of what I seek.

Edit: Since it seems relevant: The object I am trying to process is coming from Telegram's JSON API. I'm using python-telegram-bot as library and this is an example object.

like image 855
confetti Avatar asked Aug 16 '18 16:08


People also ask

How do you check if an object has an attribute in Python?

We can use hasattr() function to find if a python object obj has a certain attribute or property. hasattr(obj, 'attribute'): The convention in python is that, if the property is likely to be there, simply call it and catch it with a try/except block.

How do you check if an object has a specific attribute?

If you want to determine whether a given object has a particular attribute then hasattr() method is what you are looking for. The method accepts two arguments, the object and the attribute in string format.

How do you know if a object is str?

Method #1 : Using isinstance(x, str) By giving the second argument as “str”, we can check if the variable we pass is a string or not.

What is object attribute in Python?

An instance/object attribute is a variable that belongs to one (and only one) object. Every instance of a class points to its own attributes variables. These attributes are defined within the __init__ constructor.

1 Answers

The Pythonic way is to look out for NameError exception that would be raised when the variable is not defined, the name is not bound to any object to be precise.

So, for example:

except NameError:
    # Do stuffs
    print('foobar is not defined')
    raise  # raise the original exception again, if you want

Names reside in namespaces e.g. local names reside in locals() (dict) namespace, global names reside in globals() (dict) namespace. You can define a function that takes name string and namespace as an argument to check for the existence, here is a hint passing namespace as a dict and catching KeyError:

In [1213]: def is_defined(name, namespace):
      ...:     try:
      ...:         namespace[name]
      ...:     except KeyError:
      ...:         return False
      ...:     return True

In [1214]: is_defined('spamegg', globals())
Out[1214]: False

In [1215]: spamegg = 10

In [1216]: is_defined('spamegg', globals())
Out[1216]: True

On the other hand, if you are looking to get the value of an atrribute string of an object, getattr is the way to go:

getattr(obj, attr)

For example, the following two are equivalent:

getattr(obj, 'foobar')

Even you can add a default when the object attribute is missing:

getattr(obj, 'foobar', 'spamegg')

The above will output the value obj.foobar, if foobar is missing it would output spamegg.

You might also be interested in hasattr that returns True/False for an attribute existence check, instead of needing to manually handle AttributeError.

like image 114
heemayl Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10
