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Atomic operations: under the hood

computer-science atomic

Simple definition of "semantics" as it is commonly used in relation to programming languages/APIs?

how do they used to enter machine code directly in olden days? [closed]

When defining a variable in C for example, where is the memory address for that variable stored?

Evolutionary Algorithms: Optimal Repopulation Breakdowns

Overloaded and overridden in Java

how to obtain a single channel value image from HSV image in opencv 2.1?

P implies Q, how to read in english

Why are computer/game physics engines often non-deterministic?

Algorithm to "transfer water from a set of bottles to another one" (metaphorically speaking)

How is parallelism on a single thread/core possible?

"Finding all the code in a given binary is equivalent to the Halting problem." Really?

What is the formal term for the "#{}" token in Ruby syntax?

What is Run-Time Constant Pool and Method-Area in java

jvm computer-science

Understanding recognizers and deciders in Theory of Computation

Expectation Maximization coin toss examples

Graphs: find a sink in less than O(|V|) - or show it can't be done

Why isn't there a simple syntax for coproduct types in Haskell?

How do computers translate everything to binary? When they see a binary code, how do they know if it represents a number or a word or an instruction?

What is the mathematical significance of "all (==1) [1,1..]" not terminating?