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New posts in computational-geometry

Find contour of 2D unorganized pointcloud

How to correctly compute direct kinematics for a delta robot?

Building the tetrahedra of a set of random points - tetrahedralization

Merging overlapping axis-aligned rectangles

Efficient algorithm for finding which hexagon a point belongs to

Given n rectangles coordinates, find area of region where k rectangles intersect?

Convex hull in higher dimensions, finding the vertices of a polytope

Finding an inner circle/ellipse of a 2D point cloud

python implementation of 3D rigid body translation and rotation

centerline of a polygonal blob (binary image)

Distance between two convex polygons in 3D

Closest Point on a Map

Bentley-Ottmann Algorithm Implementation

Algorithm to find intersections between polylines

Algorithm to find the largest empty rectangle amid other polygons

Smooth a convex polygonal shape so that it becomes as large as possible while retaining diameter

Complexity of the QuickHull Algorithm?

Is there an efficient way to count the number of intersections among a given set of line segments?

Approximating a polygon with a circle