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New posts in computational-geometry

An implementation of Sharir's or Aurenhammer's deterministic algorithm for calculating the intersection/union of 'N' circles

Google Earth Determining zoom level from bounding box

How do I find the overlapping area between two arbitrary polygons

A way to draw equidistant curve

A linear-time algorithm to find any vertex of a polygon visible from other vertex

Algorithm to find all convex quadrilaterals from the given list of 2d points

Maximum surface inside a triangle

Algorithm for Finding a circle among 2n+3 points such that it contains n points inside, n points outside and 3 points on itself

Best fit for the intersection of multiple lines

an algorithm for fitting a rectangle inside a polygon

Voronoi Tessellation in Python

determine if a given point is inside the polygon


Java - Draw a ruler (line with tick marks at 90 degree angle)

Smallest circle which covers given points on 2D plane

How to find if a point is within a set of intervals?

How to detect border vertices of an open mesh 3d model?

Hilbert space filling curve for (non-square) arbitrary proportions

kNN: training, testing, and validation

Mesh Simplification: Edge Collapse Conditions

Finding polygons within an undirected Graph