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New posts in computational-geometry

How to calculate the blast area of a bomb?

Given weighted points on a plane, find locations for U squares such that the total enclosed weight would be maximized

Trilateration in a 2D plane with signal strengths

How to detect if a polygon has self-intersections?

How can I find all rectangles that bound regions in a bitmap?

How to get minimum count rectangles that covers another pile of rectangle?

Computational complexity and shape nesting

How to determine if a solid fits inside a given box in O(N^2)?

Efficient algorithm to find the largest rectangle from a set of points

Detecting the axis of rotation from a pointcloud

segment-polygon intersection


How to fastest check if point (3D) is inside convex hull given by set of point

Fast, big and extensible geometry library for C++ [closed]

Efficient checking of whether a point is inside a large number of triangles in 2D

Find two rectangles with minimum areas that cover all points

Detecting arbitrary shapes

Find the Closest intersection point in plan

Minimize sum of distances in point pairs

Check that triangle is right?