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New posts in computational-geometry

Efficiently checking Euclidean distance for a large number of objects in Python

How to break a geometry into blocks?

Generating points in area with at least X gap length in-between

Point location in tetrahedron meshes

Adaptive implicit surface polygonization

What is the best way to efficiently calculate which points are close to a given lat/long using MySQL?

Divide grid (2D array) into random shaped parts?

3D Game Geometry

Extending a line segment to fit into a bounding box

Sublinear but simple Dynamic Convex Hull algorithm?

Determining if a point is inside a polyhedron

Finding number of concurrent events given start and end times

Find medial axis of a polygon using C#

Compute the centroid of a 3D planar polygon

How to generate random vertices to form a convex polygon in c++?

Given a vector of points (possibly out of order), find polygon (not convex hull)

how to determine whether a point lies inside a rectangle? [duplicate]

Find a region with maximum sum of top-K points

Algorithm to find the largest inscribed chord of a closed polyline

How to find the farthest point (from a set of points) from a given point efficiently?