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New posts in computational-geometry

3d intersections of triangles algorithm - Displaying the topmost plane

Python : Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) algorithm with number of points instead of epsilon

How to find the nearest line segment to a specific point more efficently?

Fast ellipsoid(s) intersection algorithm

Convert polygons into mesh

Why storing data only in the leaf nodes of a balanced binary-search tree?

Given a set of n points (x,y), is it possible to find the number of pairs of points with negative slopes between them in O(n logn) time?

Best dynamic data structure for 2d circle nearest neighbor

Breakpoint Convergence in Fortune's Algorithm

Closest points on 2d segments, passing through third 2d segment

How can I detect the maximum-sized rectangle that I can draw onto the mask?

Finding the circle that covers most points in space

Finding all empty triangles

Tetrahedron orientation for triangle meshes

Fast algorithm to find all points inside a rectangle

Triangle / Circle enclosing a set of points

Mesh Generation for Computational Science in Python

What happened to the python bindings for CGAL?

Boundary enclosing a given set of points

How to tell if a line intersects a polygon in C#?