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New posts in computational-geometry

How to calculate the mirror point along a line?

Algorithm for fitting abstract distances in 2D

Choose rectangles with maximal intersection area

How to efficiently determine if a set of points contains two that are close

Outline plotting algorithm

Algorithm to take the union of rectangles and to see if the union is still a rectangle

Geodesic computation on triangle meshes?

Sub O(n^2) algorithm for counting nested intervals?

Generate Non-Degenerate Point Set in 2D - C++

Calculate Normals from Heightmap

How to find a random point in a quadrangle?

Count points inside triangle fast

C++ 2D tessellation library?

Largest triangle from a set of points [duplicate]


How to remove an edge from a half edge structure?

How to check if a box fits into another box (any rotations allowed)

Calculate Voronoi around polygon

Finding if Path2D self-intersects

Generate new polygons from a cut polygon (2D)

Is there an efficient algorithm to generate random points in general position in the plane?