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New posts in compiler-construction

why to avoid constant folding in Java? When?

Run a simple text file as Java

C compiler written in java

PHP - Just in time compiler Vs Interpreter

Getting a compiler to generate adc instruction

How can I specify additional clang options for Xcode project?

How do I check whether all code paths return a value

Building own C# compiler using ANTLR: Compilation Unit

AST traversal in visitor or in the nodes?

A Scheme compiler for ARM processors

Java JIT loop unrolling policy?

Why do I have to import a nested class in the class it is defined?

Can I get a log of optimizations applied by the compiler? [duplicate]

c++ how to write code the compiler can easily optimize for SIMD?

Which C++ compiler is my program using?

c++ compiler-construction

Why does .NET use SIMD and not x87 for math operations not intrinsic to SIMD?

How can I make the contents of an #include-file a compile-time constant in a cpp-file?

Convert integers to roman numerals using a syntax-directed translation scheme?

SSA for stack machine code

Is there a way to have the c# compiler display warnings when a switch statement do have unhandled cases?