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Structuring large Lisp applications

Passing a list to a macro correctly in Common Lisp

macros common-lisp

Package agnostic symbol comparison


How to create a common lisp (SBCL) vector of a particular type for usage in a usocket?

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What are the various differences in package systems between CL implementations?

common-lisp package symbols

How to remove a defmethod for a struct


Does SBCL for lisp handle scope differently? It does not seem to pass scope into called functions?

scope lisp common-lisp sbcl

What's the semantic difference between the backtick and quote symbols in Common Lisp?

lisp common-lisp semantics

Common Lisp parser that preserves comments


How can I speed up compilation of Common Lisp `IF` statements?

Loop'ing over arrays or lists indifferently

common-lisp sbcl

Meaning of ~| in Common Lisp format

character common-lisp

How come (let ((x 'huh?)) (cons (boundp 'x) x)) evaluates to (NIL . HUH?)?


How would one interleave elements of 2 lists in LISP?


I need a all in one lisp reference


How to assign multiple constants within one macro call

macros lisp common-lisp

Print output into a file or not print output?

lisp common-lisp

find the position of an element in a string vector in common lisp

vector common-lisp

How to start programming with SLIME and Steel Bank Common Lisp on Windows 7 x64?

emacs lisp common-lisp slime

sbcl (directory "*") not returning all files (missing *.lisp for example)

lisp common-lisp sbcl