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New posts in common-lisp

How do I copy a list and not share structure?


Using a Common Lisp user-defined type in defmethod

Accessor functions for Common Lisp class slots

class common-lisp

lisp: capture stdout and stderr, store it in separate variables

lisp common-lisp sbcl

Why must I funcall a function returned from another?

common-lisp lisp-2

Unreachable Ill-formed if-expression is syntax error in Scheme but not in Common Lisp

Check if character is in string


Define Local Variable in Common Lisp loop

loops variables common-lisp

Common Lisp case and quoted elements

common-lisp case quote

Using SLIMV to code Lisp, how do I insert a single " without disabling paredit.vim?

STEP macro does not work in Clozure CL

common-lisp ccl

unwind-protect - how does it work

common-lisp sbcl

How does one avoid loading multiple asdf files for a common lisp project?

common-lisp slime quicklisp

Unexpected behavior with loop macro and closures


Roughly how many functions are in the Clojure core libraries?

Common Lisp on CentOS 7

Difference between array/vector types in Common Lisp?

Pass a string from ECL to C++

common-lisp ecl

keyword symbol enclosed by two pipes

common-lisp symbols

How to do image-based development in Common Lisp?

common-lisp sbcl