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Is using implicit conversion for an upcast instead of QueryInterface() legal with multiple inheritance?

Is .NET replacement for COM?

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IE Com Object, Difference between methods .Navigate and .Navigate2

How to refresh Windows Explorer

How to release inprocess COM Server object from Excel VBA

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Active tab ignored by InternetExplorer COM object for IE 8

BASE_OFFSET macro from Essential COM

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Pywin32 (com objects) on Mac

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Where is comsupp(w).lib?

COM Interop, RPC server is unavailable in c#

Opening Word-document (.doc) using C# causes COMException due to File Block Settings

What's the proper way of calling COM enumerators in .NET?

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Serialize COM variant to BLOB or IStream

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Change ProgID of a COM class

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How to check if type from assembly is ComVisible

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Call COM object method from Go without CGo

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What is the equivalent of Thread.SetApartmentState in C++?

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Create header file from COM TLB

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How do I debug a .net Fatal Execution Engine Error?

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What are dispinterface declarations used for?

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